Thursday, July 9, 2009

Older people flocking to Facebook

Are older people using Facebook more? A new study by online marketing firm iStrategyLabs says they are.

It is great to see older people embracing technology. Peter Corbett, chief executive of iStrategyLabs, told the Chronicle that the influx of older users could be attributed to job networking during a struggling economy but I hope this is a permanent change instead of a recession-inspired fad. When there have been elderly people in my life that have not used modern technology such as past colleagues, bosses, my parent's and their friends, etc. it felt like it took longer to accomplish the littlest tasks. I hope the new Facebook users will have a good experience and branch out to other forms of modern technology.

On another note, I had a busy week. In my HR essentials class I was very pleased after learning that I got an A on my midterm. I am keeping up in my reading and am currently studying Total Rewards and Compensation, Variable Pay and Executive Compensation and Managing Employee Benefits. I'm starting a new recruiting project at my volunteer gig. And while salsa class ended this week, I finally got to try my dance steps out in the real-world by attending Shattuck Down Low's salsa night and learning some new moves and waltz is still going strong.

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