Saturday, August 22, 2009

Travelling tips

While voyaging to, from and through London I learned a bit about traveling that might be of use to other travelers. The key to having a good travel experience is being prepared.

1. Make sure you are early for your flight and stay near the gate around boarding time. Depending on the flight type/airline you have to check in your bags by a certain time or else they won't be on the flight with you and will get there later than you. Also, you have to be on the plane at least 10 minutes before take-off, that is when they close the cabin doors.
2. Pack light so you have enough space to bring back goods from the place you visit. Also, make sure to pack everything you need; e.g. toothbrush, medication, etc.
Make sure to know the local laws so that you don't get into too much trouble :).
3. Try to familiarize yourself with the local language. Even if you are going to a place that speaks the same language they might have different words for some things. (I will post a British English - American English list later).
4. Pre-paid phones and phone cards are a good way to communicate for cheap.
If you are going to events, shows, parks, etc that require tickets consider purchasing them in advance to save money. Some places also have bundle packs and partnerships with other places so you can get discounted prices by purchasing tickets to two events instead of just paying full price for the two events.
5. Track the exchange rate and try to get a good deal. Also, keep the exchange rate in mind when shopping to make sure you are getting a good deal.
6. Prepare a list of people you want to buy souvenirs for or exotic items you want to buy for yourself.
7. Plan out the things you want to do in advance. You might not get to all of them but at least you won't be struggling to find tickets, etc.

And the most important rule of all is to HAVE FUN!!!

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