Thursday, July 23, 2009 vs. Adobe Wave

Need to know what your friends are doing every second of every day? Then get a social and media aggregator. This technology allows you to know when your friend posts a new update in facebook or twitter, posts a picture on flickr or twitxr, publishes a new blog post, bookmarks a website, favorites a video and a variety of other actions that will make you wonder how your friends have so much time on their hands or make your head explode from information overload by feeding you TMI. is a SaaS that makes all of this inane information available in a stream when you log in to your lifestream. Adobe Wave sends you desktop notifications of all these activities once you download the software and tell it what sites you want to follow. With or Adobe Wave you can fall even further into the time wasting hole of social media. While I normally find social media apps and whatnot helpful and interesting, there is a limit and these apps cross it.


  1. Very interesting...should try it out..seems fasinating

  2. Yea, it's a great way to keep up with people, but I think it is a bit too much.
