Monday, July 20, 2009

What is DinkyPage

With the advent of Web 2.0, many different services have made it far easier and more accessible for people to create a presence on the web. With blogger, typepad, wordpress, and other blog-hosting services you can easily publish your thoughts, post news, etc. in a simple to use format. With social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter you can connect to other people online, share pictures, and meet new and old friends at the touch of a button. If those social networks don't capture your interest, you can create your own with Ning. With so many new capabilities, it was only a matter of time before web pages themselves could be created as quickly and easily as blogs and other Web 2.0 platforms. Dinky Page is one of a handful of new web services offering the bold new possibility of creating a custom web page in seconds. You can make a temporary or permanent, big and complex or simple and small website conveniently. Dinky Page allows you to put all types of media content on your page such as audio, video, images, etc. Editing the page is like editing a Word document if you use Easy Mode or if you know some HTML you can go to that mode and make more advanced changes. After you click "Create Page", they give you an URL to the page and that is all there is to it. Compare this page, which was made with only a few clicks, with the laborious process of seeking out a webhosting server, registering a domain name, and countless other slow procedures that needed to be completed in the past to create a webpage. And there you have it, 10 minute webpage.

1 comment:

  1. I like this new service. Need to explore it though. Is it simpler than making your own wikis??
